I put together this little video to act as a creative introduction to my personality and interests. Paired with my current resume, it gives a better picture of who I am and what I’m all about. I am Kayce from kayce bayer on Vimeo.
Author: kayce

Good Stuff House on Sixty Inches from Center
I was interviewed by photographer/writer Brooke Herbert Hayes for Sixty Inches From Center about Good Stuff House and our Traveling Truck Show project! Here is a little excerpt: Brooke Herbert Hayes (BHH): Can you tell me about the inspiration for The Great Fire: A Traveling Truck Show? Kayce Bayer (KB): We were inspired by early…

Stuffed Study
I made this little piece out of the smaller remnants of Soft Shops I + II, and donated it to SHoP’s closing silent auction. For other views, click here.

updates POST Traveling Truck Show
Wow! I’ve been sooooo busy with the Traveling Truck Show project, I completely ignored my own website for 6 months. If you wanna know what I was up to in that time, check this out: http://travelingtruckshow.org/ It was a ginormous undertaking, but I learned a lot about organizing a large group of people, connecting with…

the Soft Shop II in NYC
Good Stuff House just returned from New York City, where we installed a souvenir version of the Soft Shop at the Verge Art Fair in Greenwich Village. We got a couple teeny web mentions on ArtInfo.com: …Still, a conversation between two visitors couldn’t help but catch my attention: “Do you ever notice that the only…
Cooking with Friends
Finally, we put it all together. We gave Stacey and Ryan a 4-disc set on April 28th. Just wanted to share these with all of you, too. Chris and I enjoyed spending time with you, and eating your goods! Thanks for being a part of this! ~Kayce Barrett’s Homemade Pizza + Butternut Squash Soup: ……
logo animation: a study
I made this as a sample for my Motion Graphics class.
The Great Fire is kindling!
The script is in its final draft, the art and music teams are busy, curious performers have been sharing their ideas, and we are beginning to set the final dates for the tour. Keep up with all the details on the Traveling Truck Show project here: http://travelingtruckshow.org/
a lil’ mention of SHoP
A nice article about the “This House is not a Home” show @ SHoP (with a teensy-tiny mention about the Soft Shop) and the “Living by Example” exhibit @ NEIU (that included a few of our friends): http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-02-29/entertainment/ct-ent-0301-living-by-design-review-20120229_1_art-collection-home-and-art-art-chicago
the Soft Shop rebuilt
Chris and I rebuilt the Soft Shop last month as part of “This House is Not a Home” Exhibition at the Southside Hub of Production (SHoP). As part of the opening event last night, we hosted a folk song sing-along in the space. Visitors actually sang along with us. It was great! The Shop was…