I’m working on some Bloomingdale Trail-themed activity pages for kids. Four are posted and more to come here: https://www.bloomingdaletrail.org/kids-activity-pages Also, promoted on Blockclub Chicago.

I’m working on some Bloomingdale Trail-themed activity pages for kids. Four are posted and more to come here: https://www.bloomingdaletrail.org/kids-activity-pages Also, promoted on Blockclub Chicago.
After a busy year of graphic novel and other design work, I finally got some time for a new Momic – see below. I’m figuring out a new analog-digital workflow. A serious backlog of ideas…more Momics coming in 2020! See a selection of the full series: Momic
Collage play with eggshells:
I’m finally beginning some new work…fragmented bits of observation mashed with internal processing and formal play inspired by my son. Until I have something to show, here is a study – O’s forms animated:
It’s here! The first print of NO SMALL PLANS. Initial Launch The team participated in a teen launch (CAF gave away a batch of books to teens directly) at the Weinberg Gallery as part of the exhibition Bold Disobedience on July 20th, and then had our official release party / book-signing for Kickstarter backers and…
Summer Shorts, a collaborative project that brought local artists and writers together for a screening and reading of the short form, was a success! Our first attempt at resurrecting the screen found in Heather’s garage, we had a nice turn out and were very moved by the work that was submitted. Can’t wait to see…
One year and one month ago, we were in the midst of touring our Truck Show. I finally put together an archive of the project on our website. Check out all the details, images, credits, research, inspiration, and ephemera: http://travelingtruckshow.org/ Peruse menus on the site or follow the narrative (with links) below for a behind-the-steering-wheel…
I’ve begun a new animation. Using all hand-drawn illustrations, and combining some frame by frame animation techniques with camera work in AfterEffects. Thinking about “the frame”, contextual value makers or breakers, the anticipation of the spectacle, and banal consumption of entertainment.
So…It’s been awhile since I’ve written a song, and I am feeling the call of my singer-songwriter roots. These are both really rough recordings – just trying out some voice layering and structure stuff. Everything will morph and flush out as I play them more. I’m also not totally set on lyrics, but wanted to…
I put together this little video to act as a creative introduction to my personality and interests. Paired with my current resume, it gives a better picture of who I am and what I’m all about. I am Kayce from kayce bayer on Vimeo.