I made this little piece out of the smaller remnants of Soft Shops I + II, and donated it to SHoP’s closing silent auction. For other views, click here.

I made this little piece out of the smaller remnants of Soft Shops I + II, and donated it to SHoP’s closing silent auction. For other views, click here.
Wow! I’ve been sooooo busy with the Traveling Truck Show project, I completely ignored my own website for 6 months. If you wanna know what I was up to in that time, check this out: http://travelingtruckshow.org/ It was a ginormous undertaking, but I learned a lot about organizing a large group of people, connecting with…
I made this as a sample for my Motion Graphics class.
The script is in its final draft, the art and music teams are busy, curious performers have been sharing their ideas, and we are beginning to set the final dates for the tour. Keep up with all the details on the Traveling Truck Show project here: http://travelingtruckshow.org/
Chris and I rebuilt the Soft Shop last month as part of “This House is Not a Home” Exhibition at the Southside Hub of Production (SHoP). As part of the opening event last night, we hosted a folk song sing-along in the space. Visitors actually sang along with us. It was great! The Shop was…
Proposals are out for our Great Fire Project. Here’s an illustration I made for it: More about the project here: travelingtruckshow.org
C and I have been working on another machine, for a show that opens this Friday. Here are some pics in process: I am responsible for figuring out the main frame, the detail signage and video animation—illustrating the insides of the machine in action (or in this case, inaction). Come see the final result: Fall…
Although it is difficult to SEE the progress, ideas are percolating and schemes are being hatched. One master plan involves a friendly team of collaborators. We just submitted our grant proposal for a Traveling Truck Show! It’s going to be big! and probably a little weird! and wildly wonderful! In our planning, we’re keeping a…
My dear friend is recovering from major surgery. I put together a little care package for her, but wanted to make something, too. She loves cats, so… I also drew up a few customized care tickets she can use when she needs a lift during her recovery period.
I wanted to get a feel for the look and sound–testing out the overall style. Here is a little video of what the animation will look like (sans main character + colorful goo): And I’ve been playing around with some sound recording, working towards a sweet and sad soundtrack. Here’s a little sample: Hosted by…