Author: kayce

“Machine” gets a blurb

“…Inside the hollowed-out space, six different design companies share workshop and production space, with a short platform in the middle showcasing the recent design works of the resident companies. Besides a brief flirtation with zakrose’s attractive sideboard made, according to the materials, of “reclaimed cedar siding, powder coated steel and mdf,” we manage to keep…

machine #2

C and I have been working on another machine, for a show that opens this Friday.  Here are some pics in process: I am responsible for figuring out the main frame, the detail signage and video animation—illustrating the insides of the machine in action (or in this case, inaction). Come see the final result: Fall…

big schemes!

Although it is difficult to SEE the progress, ideas are percolating and schemes are being hatched.  One master plan involves a friendly team of collaborators.  We just submitted our grant proposal for a Traveling Truck Show!  It’s going to be big!  and probably a little weird!  and wildly wonderful!  In our planning, we’re keeping a…

drawing with care

My dear friend is recovering from major surgery. I put together a little care package for her, but wanted to make something, too. She loves cats, so… I also drew up a few customized care tickets she can use when she needs a lift during her recovery period.

style testing

I wanted to get a feel for the look and sound–testing out the overall style. Here is a little video of what the animation will look like (sans main character + colorful goo): And I’ve been playing around with some sound recording, working towards a sweet and sad soundtrack. Here’s a little sample: Hosted by…