Mabel’s Wayback Machine

“Mabel’s Wayback Machine” a variety show
organized by Good Stuff House, the collaborative project of Kayce Bayer and Chris Lin

hosted by The Op Shop 3 in Hyde Park

Synopsis: Mabel Stark, world famous tiger trainer from the 1920s, hosted a variety show based around the ideas of improbable histories and hyperbolic figures.  With a handmade time machine that doubled as a players’ stage, Mabel traveled through time in an effort to prevent her true love’s death.  Along the way, she discovered an odd cast of characters who shared their stories through word, song, sound, and movement.

our audience:

the time machine:

a few of our fabulous characters (photos by Rachel Tredon):

Ginger, the bee-bearded lady + emcee Jefferson
Marion: The Truth
La La La Cooking
Laughing Eye Weeping Eye
Mitch Salm
Plucky Rosenthal

The Conditions
Mabel Stark and her time machine
Art Rooney with Brother, the accordion man

poster design:

show program: