Summer Shorts, an outdoor screening and reading
Richmond Manor sideyard, Humboldt Park, Chicago
Screenings selection, programming and visual design by Heather Anderson, Kayce Bayer, and Young Cho
Writings curated by Paul Luikart
Summer Shorts was an intimate sideyard screening and reading to highlight local artists and celebrate alternative spaces for experiencing art. The 90-minute program featured short moving image works and live readings by current Chicago artists and writers.
Moving Image Artists: April Dauscha, Chan Mei Yu + Mark Serletic, LJ Frezza, Gretchen Hasse, Brooke Herbert Hayes + Emily Harger, Judenel Janvier, Cristen Leifheit, Robert Metrick,Colin Palombi, Min Kim Park, Mikey Peterson, Courtney Prokopas, Nicolás Rojas, Selina Trepp
Writers: Alice Christy, Sarah Hyde Kaspar, J. Weintraub, Sid Yiddish

Poster, Program, and Intro/Outro Animation: